We sell only high-quality original goods from the manufacturer. The warranty applies to all products in our store, adhering to the service policy of the supplier companies. Each product is carefully checked before sale. If you discovered a marriage during the purchase, contact us regarding the return or replacement of the product.
Exchanges and Returns:
If the product purchased in our store does not suit you for any reason, you can always exchange or return it within 14 days from the moment of purchase or receipt of the order, provided that the product has not been used, its product appearance, completeness, integrity of the packaging and the presence of a receipt are preserved our store Exchange and return of goods is carried out at the expense of the buyer. This applies to goods, both of good quality and of poor quality!
Return is possible within 1-14 days, in case of receiving a message from you about an erroneous payment or a desire to cancel the order.
After you have made a purchase (deposited money and received a check) - the product of the appropriate quality stipulated by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of March 19, 1994 N 172 is NOT subject to return! This norm applies even if you did not leave the premises of the pharmacy and did not leave the cash register.
Please understand and comply with the provisions of current regulations. The above requirements are dictated by the following factors: medicines, cosmetics, personal hygiene products, children's products (etc.) require storage at special temperature conditions in sterile conditions.
The list of goods can be found in more detail at the link: http://zakon0.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/172-94-%D0%BF
For issues of exchange and return guarantee 0220db@gmail.com
You can return the goods by courier of any service by sending to our office: Ukraine, Vinnytsia region, Vinnytsia, st. Maksymovicha, 10
You pay for the return of the courier! Refunds are made to the specified return details.